Monday, December 27, 2010

A White Christmas, 2010!

Well, pulling it out at the last minute actually....I didn't think we were going to get to see one.  But it happened: snow on Christmas.  In Georgia!

Here are a few pictures of the snow and the animals at the Zoo, taken Monday morning.  Enjoy!

Here is one of our Christmas trees that we decorated for wildlife.  It has now been stripped clean by all of the birds and squirrels we have on the property.

For those of you who have not seen the buck up close (he usually hangs out in the very back of the deer enclosure) here he is.  He is so old his antlers do not grow correctly anymore.
                                                            And the more sociable doe:

Big ol' DJ does not like to get his feet wet, either by mud or snow.  When we have those situations, he  walks where he can keep his feet dry.

Athena and Yonah doing what any sisters do: wrestle!

(Athena likes to lick the snow)

We hope your Holidays were Merry and Bright!  Come see us soon.

posted by Berkeley


  1. The decorations look great! Sure wish I had seen the babies enjoying their first snow! Thanks for posting the pictures.

  2. Thanks Marla! We will be adding some more decorations to the mix next year.
    The bear cubs are getting used to the snow now- hopefully we'll get another light coating or two and you can see them in action.
    Glad you enjoyed the photos!
