Sunday, February 20, 2011

Happy birthday bears!

On Monday, February 14th, we held a birthday party for the bears. Athena and Yonah are 1 year old and DJ is 8 years old. We had a huge turnout and appreciated everyone coming out and supporting our bears! There were games, crafts, a bouncy house, and cake, for humans and bears. Here are some photos of the preparation and celebration. The weather was beautiful and continues to be beautiful so we hope to see you soon!

Bear Cubs' cake

Humans cake


Make Your Own Party Hat

Bear Cubs eating their cakes


Pete the Opossum eating his slice of the bear cake

Then he put on his party hat for some celebrating

Signing the birthday card

Intern Nia and former intern Angie make some cute bears!

Remnants of DJ's birthday present: an enrichment box

DJ posing. Such a handsome bear!

Leftovers of the bear cubs' cake

Volunteer Sheryl helping bake the bear cakes

DJ's finished cupcakes

Park assistant Jenny holding our first cake out of the oven! Success!

Bouncing Bears

Pin the Tail on the Bear

Intern Nia mixing some batter

Posted by Lynsey

1 comment:

  1. I'm LOVING the opossum in his hat! So cute! Looks like everyone had such a great time! What a great turnout.
