Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snow Day!

As you all know, Athens was hit by a rather large snowstorm on Sunday evening. The zoo became a white wonderland and I braved the roads to visit on Monday afternoon. Plus, I missed the first snow in Athens and I really wanted to see the cubs play in the snow! Below are a few photos from the last few days.

The cub have been relatively active, romping and rolling in the snow. Poor Yonah slid into the pond earlier today (Wednesday) but it didn't keep her from tackling her sister again. I hope you enjoy the photos and as soon as the conditions at the zoo improve, we look forward to seeing you again!

Groundhog enclosure
Female Opossum (she was buried about a foot deep into the pine straw and mulch!)
 Male program opossum, under pine straw and 3 towels
Program barn owl. His feathers are the same beautiful white as the snow.
Athena, on alert after listening to the turkeys gobble
That tiny black dot is DJ sleeping
Yonah's snowy behind. Charmin bear?
 Athena licking the snow off her fur
Yonah playing with the tire swing

Posted by Lynsey

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